7 Juad Place, Aranda (1970)

7 Juad Place, Aranda
The Paterson house

The Paterson House at 7 Juad Place, Aranda was designed by Enrico Taglietti in 1970. The house is still occupied by the original owners and is in excellent condition. It is one of Taglietti’s ‘fortress’ houses and shows his experimentation with visual and spatial effects in residential architecture. Another example of his fortress houses is the Evans House at 62 Skinner Street, Cook (1971).

The Paterson House displays Taglietti’s trademark flat roof and deep, banded fascias for horizontal emphasis and is an excellent example of his unique sculptural, organic style of architecture.

The house is one of Taglietti’s most private, with a windowless street facade of grey brick and a stained timber fascia. The inside of the house is a series of intricate, connected spaces with each room having views of the surrounding bushland.


The House is listed on the ACT Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects (AIA) Register of Significant Twentieth Century Architecture. The house is an excellent example of internationally renowned architect Enrico Taglietti’s unique sculptural organic style.


  • Australian Institute of Architects RSTCA citation No. 47